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The Big Idea - Why do people get sick?

Writer: James TeacherJames Teacher

Your own cells

Now that you know that living things are made of cells and you know that cells can become damaged over time, you know how this damage can cause lots of diseases. Sometimes, the human body can generate some insane diseases like… Trimethylaminuria… how do I even say that? Its other name is Fish Odour Syndrome. You can probably guess what happens. A genetic mutation causes the body to start to smell like an old fish. There is no cure and nobody knows exactly why it happens.   Pica Syndrome is equally ghastly. Often due to nutritional deficiencies, cells in your brain become damaged and you start… to… want… eat… DIRT AND PAINT. Yes, that’s right. You wake up in the morning and you just want to go and grab a handful of dirt and chomp on it. For lunch, you long for a tin of paint! Can you imagine anything worse/more thrilling? (delete as desired)

Summarise the paragraph: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Much like the cells that make up your body, viruses, like the covid virus on the left, are like a simple cell. They reproduce by dashing inside your cells, hijacking, and then tricking your cells into making more virus cells. How sneaky!!! Some of these viruses are serious and some are benign. If it’s serious, sometimes your body’s army of white blood cells can’t fight the virus and you need help from a doctor. Most of the time, your body’s white blood cells know how to beat the virus and you have a few symptoms for a few days like a runny nose or fever. The strange thing is that viruses are innocent!!! They are just trying to reproduce and make baby viruses like every other living thing. Don’t hate them!

Summarise the paragraph: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Are you ready to be shocked? You are essentially made of bacteria. You’re full of it! There are more bacteria cells in your body than human cells. Billions and billions of them. Bacteria are also known as germs and you know what germs do>>>>>>> they make you sick. Well, sometimes they do. Usually, they keep you alive. Think of your body as a rainforest, teeming with various bacteria that live together inside your blood and stomach and lungs and …. well… everywhere. There are some germs/bacteria that can harm you and cause very serious diseases like Tuberculosis in your lungs. However, most bacteria actually help you and function to aid digestion. Some bacteria, which we use to make antibiotics, actually kill the awful bacteria that cause diseases. So, remember, being dirty can save your life sometimes! Go forth and get filthy!

Summarise the paragraph: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cool video about the question:

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