1. Don’t Multitask -> Single-task
Let’s jump to it. Humans are rubbish at multitasking. My Grandmother could do it when I was a kid, which was miraculous, especially considering that my brother was like a cross between an angry baboon and a honey badger.
YOU are not my Grandmother. I am NOT my Grandmother.
A researcher at Vanderbilt University found that when people tried to do two tasks at the same time, they were 30% slower and made twice as many mistakes than when they tried to do one task and THEN the other when they were done.
Research from Carnegie Mellon University found that highly decorated classrooms can distract young children, leading to increased off-task behaviour and reduced learning gains. In their study, kindergarten students in heavily decorated classrooms were more distracted and scored lower on tests compared to those in sparsely decorated rooms.
Microsoft studied their employees and found that when staff checked their email, they needed 15 minutes to regain focus on their original task. When they checked an instant message from WhatsApp, for example, they needed 10 minutes.
To visualise this, try to say:
123456789 and then abcdefghi
Now try: a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9
How to use this:

Like the dude in the image, REMOVE ALL DISTRACTIONS when you’re completing a task, and I mean ALL. Even that mouse should vacate the premises. You will be 30% faster, make fewer mistakes, and never lose focus IF YOU can get rid of stuff that can catch your eye or mind.