National park is a area where a goverment choses to protect the nature. There are 22 of them in Korea and 63 of them in America. I thinks some national parks have too tiring hike courses. It's sometimes boring. My favorite is when I visited the U.S. It's name is Yosemite national park. I really love it there. What's your favorite?
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I wish I could visit every national park in the world! Yosemite and Yellowstone are on my list... hopefully one day 🤞
My favourite park, is the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The park is nearly 2 million hectares in size and filled with wildlife as well as historical and archaeological sights. It is home to trees, mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians and fish! My favourite sightings have been lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants, jackals, eagles, crocodiles, snakes, giraffes... you name it, there are a vast amount of lifeforms to observe. It can get quite hot though, last time I was there it reached a sweltering 45*C! 🥵
If you ever get the opportunity to visit South Africa, make sure you spend at least a week in the Kruger!
A lion spotting from my last trip 🦁
Sophia Teacher here on behalf on Eric, Jun, June and Eujin.
Jun Park's favourite national park is the Giant Panda National Park in China, because there are a lot of plants and animals to look at. This is important because there no place that has nature like this. Natiina
Eric also thinks the Giant Panda National Park is the most interesting. This is because it is unusual , we don't just see pandas walking down the street. They are almost extinct so we need to protect them. June Kim loves rainforests so his favourite National Park is Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. We can learn how animals live and about the ecosystem, they are so important because we can learn from them.
Eujin's favourite National Park is Yellowstone in the USA. The first reason for this is that it is on top of a volcano and this is exciting because you can see geysers. She is very curious about seeing all the features of Yellowstone national park. There are also many dramatic canyons. National Parks are important because the animals are in there natural habitat.