what do you think the most intresting animal is in earth?I think it is a rock hyrax!I believe the most intesting animal is a rock hyrax becuase its closeset relatives are elephants and also and manatee,abd its cheek teeth are like a rhinocerous. Also they can have 5 different fur colours:brown,grey,yellow,white and tan colured fur. They are large,tubby rodents that have an brindle pattern.The face looks like a rabbit but also kind of like a... mouse.
One of thier abilities is that they are exellent climbers. They have a suction pad that makes them climb ledges and rock surfaces in ease.
As thier names suggest, they shelter in rocks becuase they don’t dig. They can be found in a tropical rainforest,arid areas and grasslands.
Now I will tell you what they eat.They eat-or should I say perfer eating nearly everthing they can find close to thier colony’s base. For an example,they eat herbs/grasse/fruit/leaves/bird eggs,ext. When they eat the eat quickly to hide from the predators. (the predators are leopards,big birds,caracles,snakes(python))
Lastly I will tell you there biggest threats. First at the past it was humans,cuase humans wanted there fur and meat. Now, it is habitat lost. Now I will end my writing. What do you think is the most intresting animal?