A new game is here! A update in almost five months!
This game's scenario is based on a zombie apocalypse in a dessert. You are hiding on a bunker vault when
the vault is attack by zombie hordes! You must try to survive as long as possible. (However, you will lose at some point.)
The difference is that the zombies move unlike any other monsters in Gimkit.

The roles are very important with different weapons and abilities. You can always change roles on the vault whenever you want
1.Defender: Basically defending the bunker with a Stonebuster. I believe this is the best role for offense
2.Builder: You can mine stone from the mine and place it to make a wall. The controls are the same as "Dig it up". However, the defenses are toooo hard to compelete when you are fighting zombies. Also, there are only a limited
number of stones in the mine. I don't think this is a good role.
3.Ranger: Same as the defender, although it isn't as effective as Defender when you are fighting
4.Tank: Very, very strong but lowered fire load and speed. This should be only for emergencies when you are attacked by strong zombies. There should be at least some Defenders when having a Tank in the team.
5. Healer: Although hidden in the picture, it is the most important role. Zombies drop crystals when killed and
of each 5 crystals can be used to fix 4% of the vault's defence. (The total of the defence is 100%)

This is the vault that you will protect. The vault defence health is shown at the top left.

These are zombies that you will fight. Each has a different damage and strength. There are many types of zombies including Rotter(The one on the picture), Thorn, Whirlwind, and the Truck-a-iron(10 damage and the strongest health. Dangerous!). There will be many waves, consisting of 6 or 3 zombies. I assure you that the vault will be breached at some point. My best record is 13 waves, as a solo game. Good Luck!^^
Update: There's a crafter that makes Forbiden Crystals near the lower-right mine. 5 forbiden crystals can be used to puchase a new role. Plus, I also found out that stones in the mine recharge and reappear over time. You need 5 crytals and 10 stone to make a forbiden crystal.
Also, I found out that each zombie has 3 different levels. The higher the level, higher the strength and health. These are 3 levels of Rotter
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Please enojoy these pictures, mainly because my game ended while trying to screenshot Rotter Level 3.(It's hard to defend the base while taking pictures to upload and finding updates!)
Update: There's new role that can only be unlock in a class game hosted by a teacher. Please leave a comment if you find out what it is! Also, builders can now mine stone block that was placed and there's a purchasable damage multiplier. Most of all there is a SECERT LORE. Please, tell me at this post if you find that lore!!!
And P.S, can you guys come to the new Guy Fawks Gimkit game? I'm excited!
I'll soon make the post about the importance of gimkit!!
Hey Simone teacher let’s play this today!
An incredible analysis of this new game, Seojin! I think a school-wide gaming session is in order to experience all it has to offer 🤩 ...calling James Teacher...📞
Also, I tried making walls and it was effective than I thought. I shouldn't have understimated the power of stones.
Opps! I switched the Ranger and the Defender at the post! The ranger is WAY better since it moves faster and the the it's weapon deals more damage.