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Jool Tutoring

Personalised tutoring in small groups or one-on-one, using our advanced curriculum to help students leap ahead.

Jool classes aim to do a couple of things brilliantly: 

1. Take off the brakes and take kids years beyond school. 

2. Make sure they have a brilliant time. 

Jool Online Learning

How it works

Every student who meets Jool matters, so we make sure we understand their needs and know WHO they are. Here's how it works: 

1. Book a free trial class so you can see how Jool works, and we can understand your child’s unique needs.

2. Enrol in a 1-to-1, 1-to-2, or 1-to-4 class to study the subject you need help with. 

3. Watch the magic happen. Your teacher will provide weekly feedback and learning goals. 


Our 1-to-1 classes are designed to be exactly what your child needs to help them excel. Whether they need help with maths or science or literature, we make sure they achieve their goals early. Our 1-to-1 classes are on-demand and flexible. 


1-to-2 - (MOST POPULAR)
Our 1-to-2 classes are brilliant for bright kids to study alongside each other on a structured course from our curriculum. You can join a class with a current, brilliant Jool student, or set up a class with your friends. Classes are scheduled on a repeated, weekly schedule. 

These classes are ideal for students who love to collaborate with different people and want to get ahead of school. These classes follow our Jool curriculum, scheduled at the same time each week.

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Teacher spotlight

Ben Kohler

BA - English Philology 
MA - English Language

Jool Teacher since 2021
Teaching since 2005
Subjects I teach: Polymath, Interview, Writing, Vocabulary, Jool-for-School, Jool World News, Literature

Catey Piehl

BA - English & French Translation 
MEd - Education

Jool Teacher since 2021
Teaching since 2013
Subjects I teach: Literature, History, Polymath, Issues, Jool News, and Jool for School

Simone Smook

LLB - Law

BA - Fashion Design

PGCE - Education

Jool Teacher since 2020
Teaching since 2018
Subjects I teach: Literature, Polymath, Writing, History, Law.

📚✨ The Jool Reading List ✨📚

At Jool, we believe every student deserves inspiring, challenging books that prepare them for success. That’s why we offer a free reading list curated by our expert educators to support academic growth and exam prep like AP Literature and GCSEs 🎓. Your child’s success starts here – for free. Let’s make learning extraordinary.

Principal & Founder, Jool

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