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Leap 2-3 Years Ahead of School

Elite, joyful learning for brilliant kids - expert tutors, incredible classes, and a curriculum designed to inspire.

Sophia K, London

"A game-changer for our family! My child’s writing and critical thinking skills have improved dramatically. The interactive lessons keep him engaged like never before."

🔥 Why Parents Choose Jool

🚀 Accelerated Learning for High Achiever

Our high-performance curriculum helps students aged 6–18 leap 2–3 years ahead of UK school levels, fast.

🎉 Zero-Stress, Joyful Learning

We specialise in stress-free, high-achievement online tutoring - perfect for gifted students who need challenge, not pressure.|

👩‍🏫 Elite Tutors, DBS-Checked & Passionate

Every tutor is a subject expert with years of teaching experience and full DBS clearance—delivering engaging, safe online classes.

✅ Trusted by 879+ families globally
✅ Students accepted into prestigious schools
✅ DBS-checked tutors & recorded sessions for safety

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Jool students excel at great schools:


Trusted by 879 (and counting) families worldwide.

Our Unique Learning Approach

🎨 Custom-Created Workbook

We write our own workbooks aligned with UK curriculum standards—blending academic rigour with creativity.

😂 Laugh, Learn & Leap Method

Our signature method blends academic challenge with real joy. Kids leave class laughing, thinking, and wanting more.

🌍 Diverse, Brilliant Curriculum

From English Literature and Politics to Science, Law and Philosophy - we offer a future-ready education beyond school basics.

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💬 Feedback. Communication. Confidence.


✅ Google Classroom

Track homework, progress, and rewatch recorded sessions.


✅ Tutorbird Scheduling

Easy reschedules, class overviews, and direct messaging with tutors.


✅ 100% Safety Focused

DBS checks, class recordings, and secure platforms.

How to Get Started

Book Your Free Diagnostic Class

We assess your child’s needs through a friendly, informal session.

Receive a Custom 1-Year Learning Plan

You’ll receive a customised learning roadmap - completely free.

Start Accelerating
Weekly online classes that deliver measurable, exciting results.

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🧠 Learning Options

1️⃣ One-on-One Tutoring
Flexible, personalised, and goal-driven. Choose the subjects. Get expert-led results. Full session recordings included.


👥 Group Classes (1:2 or 1:4)
Join a small group or start one with friends. Affordable. Social. Smart. Curriculum built to challenge and inspire.

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Flexible Pricing That Grows with Your Child

🎯 No contracts. Cancel or reschedule anytime.
💬 Need help choosing the right option? Start with a Free Trial Class *UK only*.

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Fully personalised learning -

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Paired with a friend or sibling - £35/hr.

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Social, small group classes - £22/hr.

🌟 Meet Some of Our Amazing Teachers

Ben Kohler

BA - English Philology 
MA - English Language

Jool Teacher since 2021
Teaching since 2005
Subjects: Polymath, Interview, Writing, Vocabulary, Jool-for-School, Jool World News, Literature

Catey Piehl

BA - English & French Translation 
MEd - Education

Jool Teacher since 2021
Teaching since 2013
Subjects: Literature, History, Polymath, Issues, Jool News, and Jool for School

Simone Smook

LLB - Law

BA - Fashion Design

PGCE - Education

Jool Teacher since 2020
Teaching since 2018
Subjects: Literature, Polymath, Writing, History, Law.

📚✨ The Jool Reading List ✨📚

At Jool, we believe every student deserves inspiring, challenging books that prepare them for success. That’s why we offer a free reading list curated by our expert educators to support academic growth and exam prep like AP Literature and GCSEs 🎓. Your child’s success starts here – for free. Let’s make learning extraordinary.

Principal & Founder, Jool

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